Want to learn more about water resources and conservation?
Check out these useful links
Where is Water? (the Water Rooms No. 2)
Where and how much freshwater is there in the world? What is human impact on water and how “real” is virtual water? 2nd movie of “The Water Rooms” journey into the world of freshwater resources. A film by UNESCO WWAP. Produced and animated by Steve Cutts.
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The good Governance
Governance might be a difficult and scary concept to grasp but it actually all depends on the “ingredients” you use to explain it.
The 4th movie of “The Water Rooms” journey into the world of freshwater resources. Produced by Francesca Ferrario. A film by UNESCO WWAP. For more info visit:
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The Nexus Water Game
The interconnections between water, energy, food and environment are like a board game where, to win, all the players need to gather as much resources as possible; will we be able of changing the rules used so far for the common good? The 3rd movie of “The Water Rooms” journey into the world of freshwater resources. Produced by Bitmama. A film by WWAP UNESCO. For more informations please visit:
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War or Peace
Are wars over water the only solutions to the water crisis? Will conflicts on natural resources shape the future of our planet and species? Can we change our habits and make a difference? The 5th and last movie of “The Water Rooms” journey into the world of freshwater resources. Produced by Studio Bozzetto. A film by UNESCO WWAP.
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Water a precious resource
Water is a precious, yet finite resource essential for life, with no adequate substitute. Supplying and allocating water of adequate quality and in sufficient quantity is one of the major challenges facing society today. Such challenges are creating a giant market for water solutions. Watch our video to find out more about the challenges and opportunities that exist by addressing water scarcity.
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Water Conservation
Help the Earth feel better by saving water!
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The Water cycle
“Water cycle: water droplet’s adventure” is an educational cartoon for kids. You’ll meet a cute Water Droplet. Her journey starts at a lake. Then she evaporates and floats into a cloud. There she meets new friends and learns that all clouds consist of fog—very small water droplets. Then when the droplets jump down—this is what we call “rain”. Finally Water Droplet goes into the groundwater flow. At the spring she gets to the surface of the earth and returns back to her home lake.
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Water Use it Wisely
Since 1999, the Water – Use It Wisely conservation campaign has made smart water use fun, easy and practical for everyone. This campaign is all about giving voice to water – your voice. No matter where you need to get the water word out – business, home, classroom or municipality.
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Water Sense
Water sense is the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s website for water conservation. The website contains good resources about water-efficient products and good practices for use in households and commercial buildings.
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Energy & Water Agency
The Energy & Water Agency dedicates a significant share of its resources to the annual execution of planned budgetary and manifesto measures, together with the carrying out of the respective EU Acquis. This means the implementation of legislation and policies related to renewable energy, energy efficiency, electricity and gas security of supply, the internal energy market, water demand management and sustainability of the water supply-base.
The LIFE IP project is an eight year project led by the Energy and Water Agency and co-financed under the EU LIFE Programme. A Eur17 million project with the objective to support the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Malta. This will ensure the optimised management of all water resources on the Maltese Islands.
Ministry for Energy & Water Management
The responsibilities of the Ministry include the development of alternative energy sources, Energy Policy, Water Policy and Energy and Water Services.
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Water Services Corporation
The Water Services Corporation produces and distributes drinking water and collects, treats and disposes of wastewater in the Maltese Islands. The WSC also produces high-quality recycled water for agriculture, industry and other non-potable uses.
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